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Services are for young people up to 18 years for the following range of difficulties-

Mood disorders or difficulties
Anxiety disorders or difficulties
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC)

Assessments for ASC are carried out with other professional colleagues as these are multidisciplinary assessments.  If this is the service required, please contact Dr Kim Freeman, Clinical Psychologist in the first instance on


Referrals can be self referrals from the family or referrals from other professionals, usually the GP.  Time will be given to seeing the young person and parent(s) or guardian(s) together and also the young person and parent(s) or guardian(s) separately if they wish.


It may be appropriate to contact the school or college for information but this would not be done without the family's consent.


A full report will be written following the appointment which will be sent to the family and GP.  If psychological work is required then you will be referred on for this.  If medication is required then this will be managed and monitored in conjunction with the GP as appropriate.


Emails between appointments will be responded to as soon as possible.

Assessments are carried out virtually using video calls, apart from Autism assessments which are partly carried out face-to-face.

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